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Hello world

Cover Image for Hello world
Derek Baker
Derek Baker

Here we go again...

I don't know how many blog sites I've written at this point, but I vow this is my last one. I want to be a lot more intentional when it comes to my learning and I want to document all that I've learnt right here on this website.

What this isn't

This isn't going to be a journal. I've tried in the past to treat these blogs like a journal and document all my thoughts and feelings live and direct on the internet and that just didn't work for me. I struggle writing a journal in the first let alone having it accessible to the entire public. No this isn't any of that. I intend this to be technical and developer related content only.

Don't expect Shakespeare

I am not the greatest communicator in the world, both in the written or verbal form. Please do not expect that from this blog, my thoughts will be raw and unrefined but I will do my best to get them out in a clear and concise.